We've chosen 700 restaurants in the United States that we'd like your opinion on. Click below to share your experiences and find out what your fellow diners think!
Numeric ratings allow for easy comparison between
Objective criteria are used, and they provide
customers with more useful information than what is found
in most resources that are currently available, such as
"accessibility is good"
Geographically comprehensive means users will
know that the same thorough technique was used to rate
a hotel in Orlando as was used to rate a hotel in Chicago
Independent assessments ensure that the facility
has been visited by a rater (as opposed to simply calling
the property owner to inquire about the accessibility
of their facility)
The primary means of making the LEVEL RATING results available
to our market, is through an interactive website. The LEVEL
TRAVEL site (www.leveltravel.com)
will meet the most stringent of website accessibility guidelines
that have been developed for internet users with disabilities.
Visitors to the site will be able to query the database of rated
hotels and restaurants and find the ones that best meet their
specific needs.
Sign up above to find out when our official LEVEL RATINGS become
Click the Restaurant
or the Hotel
example to view the FULL LEVEL RATINGS.